Roumen Nedkov

Roumen Dontchev Nedkov

+359 979 34 91


Aerospace information technology for ecology, Remote Sensing, microsatellites platforms for Earth observation, Image processing, Web-based Aerospace Ecological monitoring, GPS, GIS

Position:   consultant

Projects related to:

КОF7FP 02б21/2010-2013 Application of information technologies in forest ecosystem modeling as an approach for development of DGVMs; Tasks: Investigation of stress periods of trees, Software developing (SP PAM)

TCP/BUL/89221999-2001 Strengthening Capacity in Agricultural Development through Remote Sensing and GIS. Preperation of Land Cover Database ofBulgaria through Remote Sensing and GIS,FAO of UN,Rome, 2001

Change Detection, identification and recognition for Green Areas in the Plovdiv Municipality Area Based on Aerospace Data from infrared, panchromatic  and thermal sensors with high resolution, Dating from the Period Between the 80s and 2002., 2003/Contr.SRI- Plovdiv Municipality – 2003-2004

Microsatellite “BALKANSAT-1” -SRTI-BAS/SRI-RAS-2008-2014