Albena Staneva

Albena  Stefanova  Staneva

 Education and training:

2010-2011  –   Sofia University “St.Kliment Ohridski” Ecology and Environment Protection – Master’s degree in Ecology

Master’s tesises: “Applying NN and SOM for classification of xerothermal oak ecosystems on the base of structural and functional parameters”


Scientific advisor: Prof. Dr Mariyana Lyubenova

Scientific consultant: Mr Sergei Varbanov

2008 – 2009 – New Bulgarian University – Master’s degree in Environmental Protection

Master’s tesises: Research of the fires in the Balkan Peninsula in 2009 based on satellite and GPS data

Scientific advisor: Prof. Dr Roumen Nedkov

2012 –  Work experience in Executive Environment agency –  Biodiversity   Department

 Projects related to:

КОF7FP 02б21/2010-2013 Application of information technologies in forest ecosystem  modeling as an approach for development of DGVMs; Tasks: Investigation of stress periods of trees, Software developing (SP PAM)